Management and Treatment of Wastewater from Food Industries
- Code: 276-190605
- Semester: 6th
- Study Level: Undergraduate
- Course type: Specialization
- Teaching and exams language: Greek (English for Erasmus students)
- The course is offered to Erasmus students
- Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (2)
- ECTS Units: 3
- Course homepage:
- Instructors: Samaras Petros
- Class Schedule:
Course Contents
- Analysis of water cycle and determination of volumetric and physical and chemical parameters used for the assessment of wastewater characteristics from food industries.
- Experimental techniques used in the measurement of pollutants and wastewater properties.
- Estimation of wastewater volumetric flows and methods used for flow and loading equalization.
- Physical and chemical processes used in wastewater treatment: screening, grit and fats removal, sedimentation, coagulation.
- Biological processes in wastewater treatment: suspended systems-activated sludge, fixed bed systems-biofilters, rotating disks.
- Advanced biological systems: membrane bioreactors.
- Identification of basic design and monitoring operation parameters for each process.
- Sludge production and basic treatment processes.
- Water reclamation and reuse, nutrients and energy recovery.
Educational Goals
The course aims to achieve the following learning outcomes for students:
- Acquiring theoretical and applied knowledge for the design, installation, operation, monitoring and optimization of systems used for the treatment of food industry wastewater.
- Understanding the mechanisms and the operation principles of the processes including biological, physical and chemical, used in wastewater treatment;.
- Being able to evaluate operation problems of these units and adoption of appropriate measures to address them.
- Acquiring knowledge in the implementation of suitable operation modes for energy and nutrients recovery.
- Understanding the advanced processes utilized for the valorization of byproducts and residues.
General Skills
- Analyzing, interpreting and synthesizing empirical data using information and communication technologies.
- Adaptation to existing conditions.
- Advancing analytical, productive and inductive thinking.
- Working in an interdisciplinary environment.
- Autonomous work.
- Work in teams.
- Decision making.
Teaching Methods
Face to face:
- Lectures (theory and exercises) in the classroom.
Use of ICT means
- Lectures with PowerPoint slides using PC and projector.
- Notes, solved and unsolved problems in electronic format.
- Posting course material and communicating with students on the online platform.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 15 |
Independent Study | 60 |
Total | 75 |
Students Evaluation
Evaluation methods:
- Written final exams with problem solving and comprehension/judgment questions.
- Optional written assignments for the study of case studies.
The evaluation criteria are presented and analyzed to the students at the beginning of the semester.
Recommended Bibliography
- Αγγελάκης Α.Ν. και Tchobanoglous G., 1995, Υγρά και Απόβλητα, Πανεπιστημιακές Εκδόσεις Κρήτης.
- Βαλκάνα Γ., 1992, Ρύπανση Περιβάλλοντος, Επιστήμη και Τεχνική Αντιμετώπισης, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση.
- Eckenfelder W.W., 1989, Industrial Water Pollution Control, McGraw – Hill Books, Co.
- Green J.H and Kramer A., 1979, Food Processing Waste Management, AVI Inc.
- Hobson P.N. and Robertson, 1977, Waste Treatment in Agriculture. Applied Science Publications Ltd.
- Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 1991, Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse, McGraw-Hill Inc.
Related Research Journals
- Desalination and Water Treatment Journal.
- Desalination.