Technology and Quality Control of Meat and Meat Products
- Code: 276-190603
- Semester: 6th
- Study Level: Undergraduate
- Course type: Specialization
- Teaching and exams language: Greek
- Teaching Methods (Hours/Week): Lectures (3) / Laboratory Exercises (3)
- ECTS Units: 7.5
- Course homepage:
- Class Schedule:
Course Contents
The course includes the following major contents:
- Muscle tissue structure.
- Postmortem changes in meat.
- Color and flavor of foods.
- Meat processing technologies Ι.
- Meat processing technologies ΙΙ.
- Meat processing technologies ΙΙΙ.
- Quality assurance in the meat industry.
- Legislation – Meat and meat products.
- Special topics – meat products production.
- Special topics of meat cutting and packaging.
- Authentication of meat and meat products.
- VACCP – TACCP, safety issues related to meat industry.
Laboratory exercises:
- Preparation of cooked sausages.
- Preparation of fermented meat products.
- Preparation of traditional sausages.
- Determination of sodium chloride.
- Determination of lipid oxidation products in meat and meat products.
Educational Goals
The course aims to achieve the following learning outcomes for students:
- acquiring knowledge about postmortem changes in meat,
- acquiring knowledge about the preservation technologies for fresh meat,
- acquiring knowledge about the processing applied to meats and understanding the changes occurring during their application,
- acquiring knowledge about the standardization of meat products,
- acquiring the ability to apply the above knowledge and analytical skills in laboratory-type processes.
General Skills
- Analyzing, interpreting and synthesizing empirical data and information obtained from experimental setups.
- Searching and analyzing information using information and communication technologies.
- Adaptation to existing conditions.
- Working in an interdisciplinary environment.
- Promotion of analytical, productive and inductive thinking.
- Autonomous work.
- Teamwork.
- Decision making.
Teaching Methods
Face to face:
- Lectures in the classroom.
- Laboratory exercises in groups.
Use of ICT means
- Lectures with PowerPoint slides using PC and projector.
- Notes in electronic format.
- Posting course material and communicating with students on the Moodle online platform.
Teaching Organization
Activity | Semester workload |
Lectures | 112.5 |
Laboratory Exercises | 75 |
Total | 187.5 |
Students Evaluation
Evaluation methods:
- Compulsory attendance at (at least) 80% of the laboratory exercises.
- Written final exams in the theoretical part of the course with short development and multiple choice questions (70% of the final grade).
- Written final exams in the laboratory part of the course with short development and problem-solving questions (30% of the final grade).
The evaluation criteria are presented and analyzed to the students at the beginning of the semester.
Recommended Bibliography
- Sheridan J.J., Buchanan R.L. & Montville T.J. (1996). HACCP: an integrated approach to assuring the microbiological safety of meat and poultry. Food & Nutrition Press, Trumbull, Conn. Ταξινομικός αριθμός, 664.9001579 HAC.
- Varnam A.H. & Sutherland J.P. (μετάφραση Χατήρης Ι.) (1999). Κρέας και προϊόντα κρέατος. Ίων, Αθήνα. Ταξινομικός αριθμός,9 VAR.
- Bailey A.J. & Light N.D. (1989). Connective tissue in meat and meat products. Elsevier Applied Science, London. Ταξινομικός αριθμός,9 BAI.
- Price J.F. & Schweigert B.S. (1987). The science of meat and meat products. Food and Nutrition Press, Westport, Conn. Ταξινομικός αριθμός,92 SCI.
- Μπλούκας Ι.Γ. (2017) Τεχνολογία Κρέατος Unibooks.
- Καραγιάννης Γ (2014) Λουκάνικα και Αλλαντικά Ψύχαλος Φίλιππος και Σία.
- Γεωργάκης Σ. Τα κρεατοσκευάσματα (2014) Χριστίνα και Βασιλική Κορδαλή.
Related Research Journals
- Meat Science.